Case Study 2

My name is SaikaPervaiz.I live in IssaNagriFaisalabad.I came to know about beautician training at Women Shelter Organization by a shelter adult literacy teacher,Mrs.Shamim Arshad .She helped me to getting admission in to the Shelter Beauty parlor. She helped me in getting admission and starting beautician training in March 2017, within a short period, I learnt theFollowing

  • Threading
  • Vexing
  • Manicure
  • Cutting
  • Facial
  • Party makeup
  • Bridal makeup

I shell learning more in coming months. I pay heart felt gratitude to women that is helping many unskilled girls to become skilled and earning women. I as well as my parents are very satisfied and my parents have promised me to establish me a grand beauty parlor as soon as my course completes